Saturday, March 20, 2010

My Inquiry Project Proposal

My Inquiry Proposal is, What are the relationships between BDD & plastic surgery addiction? Since I have researched these two topics for most of this semester, I feel that I can make a great Inquiry Project. In my project I would like interview people and hopefully professionals on experiences and knowledge of BDD and plastic surgery addiction. Some ideas that I have include: making videos of interviews, surveys, and also some basic writing on both subjects to help support my project. I am still debating whether i want to just have my project in text form or actually do videos, but luckily I have enough time to figure it all out.

1 comment:

  1. I like the idea of both text and video. You can combine the two. I am presenting an idea for mixed media projects on Friday, but, since you won't make it, remind me to show you on Monday!!
